planned amortization class bond
- planned amortization class bond
PAC bond фин. облигация с запланированной амортизацией*
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облигация "ПАК", или облигация класса бумаг с запланированной амортизацией: один из классов (траншей) бумаг в рамках схемы выпуска обеспеченных ипотечных облигаций, по которому имеется фонд погашения с жестким графиком платежей и погашение которого не субординировано относительно других классов бумаг, т. е. "кэш-флоу" по таким бумагам более стабилен и они обращаются с премией к другим аналогичным бумагам;
collateralized mortgage obligation.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "planned amortization class bond" в других словарях:
Planned Amortization Class (PAC) Tranche — A class of tranche in a planned amortization class (PAC) bond that receives a primary payment schedule. As long as the actual prepayment rate is between a designated range of prepayment speeds, the life of the PAC tranche will remain relatively… … Investment dictionary
Planned amortization class CMO — (1) One class of CMO that carries the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayement risk of any class of CMO. Because of that stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO. (2) A CMO bond class that stipulates cash flow contributions … Financial and business terms
planned amortization class — ( PAC) (1) The class of CMO that has the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayment risk of any class of CMO. Because of a stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO. (2) A CMO bond class that stipulates cash flow contributions… … Financial and business terms
Targeted Amortization Class - TAC — A type of credit derivative that is similar to a planned amortization class (PAC) in that it protects investors from prepayment; however, it is structured differently than a PAC. TACs protect investors from a rise in the prepayment rate or a fall … Investment dictionary
PAC Bond — Stands for Planned Amortization Class bond. A tranche class offered by some CMOs that has a sinking fund schedule and an ability to make principal payments that are not subordinated to other classes. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Companion Bond — A class of tranche found in a planned amortization class (PAC) bond that is responsible for protecting the PAC tranche from both contraction and extension risk. The companion bond is designed to absorb excess principal payments during times of… … Investment dictionary
облигации целевой амортизации — Эти облигации напоминают транши, предлагаемые некоторыми облигациями, обеспеченными пулом ипотек (collateralized mortgage obligations, CMOs). Аналогичны облигациям с регулярными платежами в фонд погашения. В отличие от СМО они основываются на… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
Collateralized mortgage obligation — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Super PO — A companion tranche structured as a Principal Only (PO) bond, which receives only principal payments from the underlying mortgages. A Super PO is designed to lend support to planned amortization class (PAC) and targeted amortization class (TAC)… … Investment dictionary
REMIC — real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC) The name of a type of mortgage backed pass through security. REMICs can take many forms. REMICs are typically multiclass securities. Unlike simple, non REMIC CMOs, REMICs can separate mortgage pools … Financial and business terms